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27 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 4,278

Vladimir is a very beautiful city

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

I was born in Vladimir. Vladimir is a very beautiful city. Vladimir stands on the bank of the Klyazma river. About 345 598 people live in the city.This city was founded in 1108 by Vladimir Monomah. Now there are a lot of historical monuments. They are the Golden Gates, Dmitrievsky Cathedral and Uspensky Cathedral.

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27 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 5,759

Vladimir is my home city

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

I was born on the third of December, 1999, in Vladimir, Russia. It lies on the banks of the river Klyazma not far from Moscow. It is the capital of Vladimir region. It is a city not a town. Vladimir was founded by Grand Duke Vladimir Monomah in 1108. It has a long and rich history. There are a lot of churches made of white stone. We can see the old Golden Gates in the centre of the city. We can visit a men’s monastery in Vladimir.

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25 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 5,902

Vladimir is an ancient city

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

I was born in Vladimir, in 1997. It is my native city. And I love it. It is an ancient city. That’s why there are a lot of places of interest — the Golden Gates, Uspensky cathedral, Dmitrievsky cathedral, Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

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24 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 7,258

What is the birthplace?

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

In these two words there is only one definition. The birthplace is a place where every corner reminds you of something. Each person has their own homeland. Even as little as my village, where I live. But even in my village there are beautiful places, famous people. Life flows here its stream. The Village of Grigoryevo is my small native land. It is located in the Vladimir region, Gus-Сhrustalny district. My village was found in 18th century. From the very childhood I breathe her natural air and enjoy the smells what are difficult to feel somewhere else.

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24 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 5,993

The place I live in is full of mysteries

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

The place I live in is full of mysteries and secrets. There is no scientist who is able to puzzle out all riddles of this place.When I was little, my mom told me about our city. She said that most of the inhabitants of the city called Alexandrov «a royal place». In the history of our city there was the great Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Many historical books tell about our city as a royal one. I am very proud of it.

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19 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 5,135

Wonderful history of my town

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

It is usually very difficult to answer the question why you like something. But I’ll try to explain you my feelings.

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18 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 10,629

I love Golden Gate

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

My birthplace is Vladimir, a small Russian city. I was born here and have lived for 18 years already. However, I have to admit that I love things associated with life in Vladimir more than this city. Above all things they are my family and friends. As a rule, we remember not the city but the people who are important to us. Of course, we can discuss Vladimir’s beauty. To my mind, each city has something special.

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18 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 7,644

I Love My Birthplace

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

Every man has the place which is dear to him, the place where he would like to return again and again no matter how far he would be from it. This place is called his motherland. Our motherland gives us strength due to which we can reach our goals; our motherland gives us shelter, where we can feel piece and quiet.

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