Архив рубрики ‘English page

15 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 8,882

Kovrov — The Glorious Town of Gunsmiths

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

The town of Kovrov is my home town. I was born and live here with my parents and my younger brother. In December 2011 the town got the honorary title «The city of Military Glory» for the great «courage, endurance and mass heroism, exhibited by citizens of the city in the struggle for the freedom and independence of the Motherland». I am proud of the city and I want it to become better and more beautiful.

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Мальчишки и девчонки! А также их родители и учителя!
Мы приглашаем вас принять участие в конкурсе сочинений на английском языке. Сроки проведения конкурса — с 10 февраля по 10 марта. Все подробности вы можете прочитать здесь

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5 февраля 2012 | Просмотров: 6,713

A Warm Day of the Cold Winter

The first Saturday of February has become a very good tradition for all school-leavers to come back to their schools. To the places where they spent their childhood and where they are always honourable and welcome guests.

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25 декабря 2011 | Просмотров: 10,936

Merry Christmas!

In Europe they say that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It is considered the main holiday there. All people believe in miracles and hope that all their dreams will come true. They are waiting for something unusual and preparing for the celebrations very carefully. The streets and houses are so bright with beautiful decorations that you feel like in a fairy-tale!

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24 декабря 2011 | Просмотров: 4,544

A Christmas Dream

Christmas is the time when people are waiting for miracles. Shops and markets are full of New Year trees, toys, tinsels and presents… Everybody was busy with preparations for the most magnificent and beautiful holiday of the year.
Bella Jake lived in a little town and has dreamt of visiting different cities and countries. She loved Christmas and wanted to see the ways it is celebrated there. Bella was also eager to see Santa Claus… It would be great!

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9 декабря 2011 | Просмотров: 12,660

Happy Birthday, dear English school!

Any school is eager to give education of high quality and to have its own traditions and ways. There is a school in Alexandrov which has a rather long history and its unique style. It is English Language School № 1. It has been working since 1966 and it celebrates its 45-th anniversary this year.

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25 ноября 2011 | Просмотров: 9,094

The Importance of Being Competent in English

Why do people learn foreign languages? The question is not very easy… For some people it is practical necessity as their jobs are connected with such knowledge. Others don’t want to have any problems in establishing new contacts when they go abroad.

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24 октября 2011 | Просмотров: 9,572

The Overflow of powerful feelings or just Rendering words?

What is poetry? What does it attract us with?
Some people think that it is just rendering words in a certain way. On the one hand, of course, it is. But everything is not so easy.
Here are some children’s works on writing poetry. We hope they deserve the readers’ attention. The pupils didn’t just translate the English poems, but tried to create their own ones.

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