24 октября 2013 | English page | Просмотров: 3,898
Big or small?
Many people live in cities. Other people live in villages and small towns. Their life has advantages and disadvantages.
As for me, I cannot imagine my life in the village. I think it is dull to live in a country. There are no cinemas, theatres, museums, where you can develop and enjoy culture. Another important thing is job. In city you can quickly find an interesting and well-paid job because there are many factories, plants, offices, firms and companies in cities. In villages the choice of jobs is limited. In my opinion life in the country is very slow .For young people this life is impossible because young people like to go out, to meet friends and make new friends, they like to change. But in the country life does not change, it is always usual.
However, a lot of people live in small towns, villages and they enjoy this life. They say that they live among beautiful forests, rivers and lakes; among wild and domestic animals. In addition they can hear songs of the birds in the morning. They can go to the fields to pick flowers, to the forests to pick mushrooms and berries. In short they are close to the nature. And their life is healthier. Besides, people in the country work outdoors a lot, they have many physical exercises and they spend more time in fresh air, so they are fit. To this slow and healthy life in the country is good for children and old people.
But I can disagree that country life is very comfortable because people should work hard and they have to work in hot, rainy or cold weather. Besides, if you live in a city you can go to one of many city parks or go to the village for the weekend.
To sum up, life in the city is more comfortable, interesting and easier. I would like to live in a big city which can give me more opportunities for work, live and rest.
Victoria Bordyug
Photo: http://abunda.ru/
3 комментария к записи Big or small?
26 октября 2013 в 9:08
Похвально, что Виктория готовится к ЕГЭ, но это эссе, честное слово, никакого интереса для читателей не представляет. Просто неплохо написанная работа к пробному экзамену по английскому языку. Для читателя это скучно, это ни о чем.
26 октября 2013 в 11:34
Жду злободневных английских текстов! А то английской странички давно не было. Опять же, Хэллоуин на носу. Ребята устроили праздник, но писать об этом нельзя, как выяснилось (по-русски). Может, по-английски можно?
26 октября 2013 в 17:09
Спасибо за высокую оценку. Но по-настоящему я стала изучать английский язык только с этого года, когда перешла в школу с английским уклоном.