3 марта 2012 | English page | Просмотров: 4,946

Our region is famous for the Meschera National Park

My dear pen friend! My name is Ksenia. I am ten. I live in the village of Necludovo. This small place is situated between Vladimir and Gus-Crustalnij. Our region is famous for the Meschera National Park.

A lot of rare birds live in its forests and you can enjoy listening to their singing, especially in spring. We can study different plants, which grow only in Meschera. You can visit some museums, the most interesting one is devoted to Russian old life. You can shoot from the bow there, like in old times. Very funny bear Maria Potapovna lives there. She likes oranges and pan cakes. You can walk along ecological paths like in fairy-tales. My favourite festival Maslenitza is widely celebrated here.

I love nature and I am happy to live so close to it. Forests surround our village from all sides. We gather berries and mushrooms in summer and in autumn and eat tasty jam and mushrooms soup in winter.

My family has a big garden and grows a lot of vegetables there: potatoes and tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers, cabbage and onion. I love flowers and you can see a lot of them near my house. All members of my family are healthy and strong. We have a goat and drink its milk. Our pet cat helps us to be in good mood. My family spends a lot of time out of doors in the fresh open air — we enjoy skiing, walking in the forest, watching sunsets and sunrises.

My dream is to become a farmer. I’ll have a flock of goats and graze it on the bank of a small river behind my house, where juicy grass is growing.

I go to school. Our school is very old — more than 80 generations of schools leaves left its doors. Now only 30 pupils study in it. We have very nice teacher. They teach us to be kind and witty.

I invite you to visit my place, my family, my schools.
You are welcome!
Your friend

Сереброва Ксения,
4 класс,
МКОУ Неклюдовская ООШ,
фото автора.

3 комментария к записи Our region is famous for the Meschera National Park

Danila Master

5 марта 2012 в 15:11

The young journalist has inclinations of the writer at so early age, and these sprouts should be developed, in my opinion to begin with to try the essay.

Mary Poppins

5 марта 2012 в 23:19

I hope the girl will read your advice.


5 апреля 2012 в 19:49

Well done, Ksenia! I love this piece of writing! It even seems TOO good for a ten year old girl. The mistakes are small and unimportant. Your English teacher must be extremely professional:)

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