Архив февраля, 2012

29 февраля 2012 | Праздничное | Просмотров: 5,907

Чего хочет женщина?

Морозы наконец-то отступили, по утрам раньше светает, и уже чувствуется дыхание весны. Но мужчины со страхом и трепетом ждут этого весеннего обновления, ведь впереди 8 Марта. А это значит, что снова нужно ломать голову, где найти подарок, который придётся по душе жене, любимой девушке, дочери, маме, тещё и коллеге. Как узнать, чего хочет женщина, и выбрать именно то, о чём она мечтала весь год?

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27 февраля 2012 | English page | Просмотров: 7,624

Homeland begins with our first words

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

On the Earth there are many people from different countries. And for all of them there is their own homeland. I love my Motherland, my perfect home, for its nature and just for what it is, love it with no reason for this love. In recent years some people have forgotten about their homeland. They do not care about its present and future. And I appeal to all: «Take care of your Motherland, do not forget about your home. After all, we have only one Motherland».

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27 февраля 2012 | English page | Просмотров: 6,472

I like my city because…

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

At the last lesson before holidays we were given a task to write a composition «I love my birthplace». After that I thought, and what for?
I was born in the beautiful city of Vladimir and I have been living here for 14 years. I love everything in it: buildings, streets, nature and people. At any time of a year my city is very beautiful. I like to walk with my friends along the streets of my city, especially in spring and summer, when it is warm. It is always snowy in winter in Vladimir, that’s why you can toboggan, ski, skate and play snowballs — it is very funny.

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27 февраля 2012 | English page | Просмотров: 4,912

I was born in a fine town of Vladimir

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

Each person has a favourite city. More often a favourite city, settlement, edge is that place where the person was born or has spent much time. Often favourite city name where the childhood of the person has flown, after all with the childhood, the majority of people has the kindest memories. However many years was to the person, he always remembers some moments from the childhood, and together with them and places where they occurred, that is in a favourite city. And it is not so obligatory to this city to be capital, a city-millionaire or still any «cone». It can be the silent, thrown small town and at the same time to be the most favourite city as many pleasant impressions are connected with it.

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27 февраля 2012 | English page | Просмотров: 4,403

Vladimir is a very beautiful city

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

I was born in Vladimir. Vladimir is a very beautiful city. Vladimir stands on the bank of the Klyazma river. About 345 598 people live in the city.This city was founded in 1108 by Vladimir Monomah. Now there are a lot of historical monuments. They are the Golden Gates, Dmitrievsky Cathedral and Uspensky Cathedral.

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27 февраля 2012 | English page | Просмотров: 6,027

Vladimir is my home city

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

I was born on the third of December, 1999, in Vladimir, Russia. It lies on the banks of the river Klyazma not far from Moscow. It is the capital of Vladimir region. It is a city not a town. Vladimir was founded by Grand Duke Vladimir Monomah in 1108. It has a long and rich history. There are a lot of churches made of white stone. We can see the old Golden Gates in the centre of the city. We can visit a men’s monastery in Vladimir.

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25 февраля 2012 | English page | Просмотров: 6,003

Vladimir is an ancient city

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

I was born in Vladimir, in 1997. It is my native city. And I love it. It is an ancient city. That’s why there are a lot of places of interest — the Golden Gates, Uspensky cathedral, Dmitrievsky cathedral, Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

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24 февраля 2012 | English page | Просмотров: 7,938

What is the birthplace?

На конкурс сочинений на английском языке

In these two words there is only one definition. The birthplace is a place where every corner reminds you of something. Each person has their own homeland. Even as little as my village, where I live. But even in my village there are beautiful places, famous people. Life flows here its stream. The Village of Grigoryevo is my small native land. It is located in the Vladimir region, Gus-Сhrustalny district. My village was found in 18th century. From the very childhood I breathe her natural air and enjoy the smells what are difficult to feel somewhere else.

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